Standard Keyboard Notation for IFoA Examinations.

自从 IFoA 英国精算师协会全面采用在线开卷考试,前六门基础科目的Paper A(纸考科目)均要求提交 Word(不可手写)。为便于协会批卷查重,IFoA 对考试提交的 Word 中数学公式的书写进行了严格的规定。总结来说,不得采用Word自带的数学公式编辑器或其他插件(如Mathtype等),而需要写成纯文本形式(类似LaTex代码),官方称为Standard Keyboard Notation。需要写较多数学公式的科目主要有前六门中的:CM1CM2CS1CS2和高级阶段的 SP6、SP9,准备考这些科目的同学要注意认真听讲啦。

Jackie 根据 IFoA 的 Examinations Handbook 中的 Standard Keyboard Notation 部分,和历年真题答案中使用的符号总结了一份符号写法,具体可以分为四个部分:

  • General mathematical notation
  • Statistical notation
  • Compound interest functions
  • Life table functions

General mathematical notation

Meaning Notation Standard Keyboard Notation
Multiplication \(\times\) *
Division \(\div\) /
Approximately equal \(\approx\) ~=
OR approx. =
OR c. =
Inequalities \(a \geq b\) and \(c \leq d\) a >= b and c <= d
Proportionality \(a \propto b\) a is proportional to b
Square root \(\sqrt{\ldots}\) sqrt(…)
Superscripted letters \(a^x\) a^x
Subscripted letters \(X_{i j}\) X_ij
OR Xij
Exponential \(e^{x}\) exp(x)
OR e^x
Accented symbols \(\hat{b}, \bar{X}\) b^hat, X^bar
OR bhat, Xbar
Greek letters \(\mu, \sigma, \alpha, \beta, \theta, \varphi, \lambda, \eta, \rho, \delta\) Use the typed word for the letter e.g. mu, sigma, alpha, beta, theta, phi, lambda, eta, rho, delta. Match case of Greek letter, for example phi for φ and PHI for Φ.
OR; an Arabic alternative where available e.g. a, b instead of alpha, beta, d for delta or D for DELTA.
Infinity symbol \(\infty\) Infinity
OR Inf
Derivatives \(f^{\prime}(x), f^{\prime \prime}(x), \delta f / \delta s\) f'(x), f''(x), df/ds
OR df/dx, d2f/dx2
Integral \(\int_{a}^{b} f^{\prime}(t) d t\) INT(a,b):f'(t) dt
OR Integral over a to b (f’(t))
OR int(a,b)[ … ]
Solved Integral \(=[f(t)]_{a}^{b}\) = [f(t)]:(a,b)
Summation \(\sum_{t=a}^{b} \mu_{t}\) sigma(a,b): mu(t)
OR sum(a,b): mu(t)
OR Sum over a to b (mu(t))
OR Sum(a,b)[ ... ]
Product \(\prod_{a}^{b} f(x)\) Product (a,b):f(x)
OR product over a to b(f(x))

Statistical notation

Meaning Notation Standard Keyboard Notation
Expected values \(E(\ldots)\) E(…)
Conditional expectation \(E(X \mid Y)\) E(X given Y)
Variance \(V(\ldots)\) V(…)
Covariance \(\operatorname{cov}(\ldots)\) Cov(…)
Distributions \(\chi_{m}^{2}\) chi-squared_m
OR chi-squared with m degrees of freedom
Binomial Coefficient \(\left(\begin{array}{l}n \\ r\end{array}\right)\) n choose r
OR choose (n, r)

Compound interest functions

Notation or Meaning Standard Keyboard Notation
\(i^{(p)}\) i(p)
\(d^{(p)}\) d(p)
\(\delta\) delta
\(v^n\) v^n
\(\sx{\angln}\) s:<n>
\(\axz{}{}{}{\angln}\) abar:<n>
\(\ax{}{}{(p)}{\angln}\) a(p):<n>
\(\actsymb{}{}{(Ia)}{}{\angln}\) (Ia):<n>
\(f_{t, r}\) f_t,r

Life table functions

Notation or Meaning Standard Keyboard Notation
\(\frac{l_{y}}{l_{x}}\) Ly/Lx
\(\frac{l_{y}^{(m)}}{l_{x}^{(m)}}\) Ly(m)/Lx(m)
\(\frac{d_{x}}{l_{y}}\) dx/Ly
\(\px{k}{x}\) kpx
\(\px{k}{[x]}\) kp[x]
\(\qx{m|}{x}\) m|qx
\(\px{}{xy}\) px:y
\(\px{t}{xy}\) tpx:y
\(\qx{n}{\overset{2}{x}y}\) nq:x(2):y
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\endowxn}\) adue:x :<n>
\(\axzz{}{}{}{x}\) adue:x
\(\ax{}{}{(p)}{x}\) a(p):x
\(\axzz{}{}{}{xy}\) adue:x :y
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\joint{xy}}\) adue:(x:y)bar
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\endow{xy}{n}}\) adue:x :y:<n>
\(\axzz{}{}{(p)}{\endow{xy}{n}}\) adue(p):x :y:<n>
\(\axzz{}{}{}{x|y}\) adue:x|y
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\overset{m}{x}|\overset{f}{y}}\) a:x(m)|y(f)
\(\axzz{m|}{}{}{x}\) m|adue:x
\(A_x\) A:x
\(\actsymb{n|}{}{\bar{A}}{}{x}\) n|Abar:x
\(\actsymb{n|}{2}{A}{}{x}\) n|2A:x
\(\Ax{}{}{}{\endowxn}\) EA:x :<n>
\(\Axz{}{}{}{\endowxn}\) EAbar:x :<n>
\(\Ax{}{}{}{\termxn}\) TA:x :<n>
\(\Ax{}{}{}{\pureendow{[x]}{n}}\) PE:[x]:<n>
\(\actsymb{}{}{(IA)}{}{\termxn}\) I(TA):x :<n>
\((a p)_{x}\) ap(x)
\((a q)_{x}^{k}\) aq(x):k
\(\mu_{x}^{k}\) mu(x):k
\(\Vx{t}{}\) tV
\(\actsymb{t}{}{V}{(f)}{}\) tV(f)
\(\actsymb{t}{}{p}{\joint{HH}}{x}\) tpxHHbar

可以看到,一般化的数学公式输入较为简单,但利息理论和寿险精算部分的符号输入相对繁琐。为简化输入,Jackie 和 Keke 合作完成了一个符号自动化输入工具,欲知后事如何,且听下篇推文分解~