Standard Keyboard Notation for IFoA Examinations.
自从 IFoA 英国精算师协会全面采用在线开卷考试,前六门基础科目的Paper A(纸考科目)均要求提交 Word(不可手写)。为便于协会批卷查重,IFoA 对考试提交的 Word 中数学公式的书写进行了严格的规定。总结来说,不得采用Word自带的数学公式编辑器或其他插件(如Mathtype等),而需要写成纯文本形式(类似LaTex代码),官方称为Standard Keyboard Notation。需要写较多数学公式的科目主要有前六门中的:CM1、CM2、CS1、CS2和高级阶段的 SP6、SP9,准备考这些科目的同学要注意认真听讲啦。
Jackie 根据 IFoA 的 Examinations Handbook 中的 Standard Keyboard Notation 部分,和历年真题答案中使用的符号总结了一份符号写法,具体可以分为四个部分:
- General mathematical notation
- Statistical notation
- Compound interest functions
- Life table functions
General mathematical notation
Meaning | Notation | Standard Keyboard Notation |
Multiplication | \(\times\) | * |
Division | \(\div\) | / |
Approximately equal | \(\approx\) | ~= OR approx. = OR c. = |
Inequalities | \(a \geq b\) and \(c \leq d\) | a >= b and c <= d |
Proportionality | \(a \propto b\) | a is proportional to b |
Square root | \(\sqrt{\ldots}\) | sqrt(…) |
Superscripted letters | \(a^x\) | a^x |
Subscripted letters | \(X_{i j}\) | X_ij OR Xij |
Exponential | \(e^{x}\) | exp(x) OR e^x |
Accented symbols | \(\hat{b}, \bar{X}\) | b^hat, X^bar OR bhat, Xbar |
Greek letters | \(\mu, \sigma, \alpha, \beta, \theta, \varphi, \lambda, \eta, \rho, \delta\) | Use the typed word for the letter e.g. mu, sigma, alpha, beta,
theta, phi, lambda, eta, rho, delta. Match case of Greek letter, for
example phi for φ and PHI for Φ. OR; an Arabic alternative where available e.g. a, b instead of alpha, beta, d for delta or D for DELTA. |
Infinity symbol | \(\infty\) | Infinity OR Inf |
Derivatives | \(f^{\prime}(x), f^{\prime \prime}(x), \delta f / \delta s\) | f'(x), f''(x), df/ds OR df/dx, d2f/dx2 |
Integral | \(\int_{a}^{b} f^{\prime}(t) d t\) | INT(a,b):f'(t) dt OR Integral over a to b (f’(t)) OR int(a,b)[ … ] |
Solved Integral | \(=[f(t)]_{a}^{b}\) | = [f(t)]:(a,b) |
Summation | \(\sum_{t=a}^{b} \mu_{t}\) | sigma(a,b): mu(t) OR sum(a,b): mu(t) OR Sum over a to b (mu(t)) OR Sum(a,b)[ ... ] |
Product | \(\prod_{a}^{b} f(x)\) | Product (a,b):f(x) OR product over a to b(f(x)) |
Statistical notation
Meaning | Notation | Standard Keyboard Notation |
Expected values | \(E(\ldots)\) | E(…) |
Conditional expectation | \(E(X \mid Y)\) | E(X given Y) |
Variance | \(V(\ldots)\) | V(…) |
Covariance | \(\operatorname{cov}(\ldots)\) | Cov(…) |
Distributions | \(\chi_{m}^{2}\) | chi-squared_m OR chi-squared with m degrees of freedom |
Binomial Coefficient | \(\left(\begin{array}{l}n \\ r\end{array}\right)\) | n choose r OR choose (n, r) |
Compound interest functions
Notation or Meaning | Standard Keyboard Notation |
\(i^{(p)}\) | i(p) |
\(d^{(p)}\) | d(p) |
\(\delta\) | delta |
\(v^n\) | v^n |
\(\sx{\angln}\) | s:<n> |
\(\axz{}{}{}{\angln}\) | abar:<n> |
\(\ax{}{}{(p)}{\angln}\) | a(p):<n> |
\(\actsymb{}{}{(Ia)}{}{\angln}\) | (Ia):<n> |
\(f_{t, r}\) | f_t,r |
Life table functions
Notation or Meaning | Standard Keyboard Notation |
\(\frac{l_{y}}{l_{x}}\) | Ly/Lx |
\(\frac{l_{y}^{(m)}}{l_{x}^{(m)}}\) | Ly(m)/Lx(m) |
\(\frac{d_{x}}{l_{y}}\) | dx/Ly |
\(\px{k}{x}\) | kpx |
\(\px{k}{[x]}\) | kp[x] |
\(\qx{m|}{x}\) | m|qx |
\(\px{}{xy}\) | px:y |
\(\px{t}{xy}\) | tpx:y |
\(\qx{n}{\overset{2}{x}y}\) | nq:x(2):y |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\endowxn}\) | adue:x :<n> |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{x}\) | adue:x |
\(\ax{}{}{(p)}{x}\) | a(p):x |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{xy}\) | adue:x :y |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\joint{xy}}\) | adue:(x:y)bar |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\endow{xy}{n}}\) | adue:x :y:<n> |
\(\axzz{}{}{(p)}{\endow{xy}{n}}\) | adue(p):x :y:<n> |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{x|y}\) | adue:x|y |
\(\axzz{}{}{}{\overset{m}{x}|\overset{f}{y}}\) | a:x(m)|y(f) |
\(\axzz{m|}{}{}{x}\) | m|adue:x |
\(A_x\) | A:x |
\(\actsymb{n|}{}{\bar{A}}{}{x}\) | n|Abar:x |
\(\actsymb{n|}{2}{A}{}{x}\) | n|2A:x |
\(\Ax{}{}{}{\endowxn}\) | EA:x :<n> |
\(\Axz{}{}{}{\endowxn}\) | EAbar:x :<n> |
\(\Ax{}{}{}{\termxn}\) | TA:x :<n> |
\(\Ax{}{}{}{\pureendow{[x]}{n}}\) | PE:[x]:<n> |
\(\actsymb{}{}{(IA)}{}{\termxn}\) | I(TA):x :<n> |
\((a p)_{x}\) | ap(x) |
\((a q)_{x}^{k}\) | aq(x):k |
\(\mu_{x}^{k}\) | mu(x):k |
\(\Vx{t}{}\) | tV |
\(\actsymb{t}{}{V}{(f)}{}\) | tV(f) |
\(\actsymb{t}{}{p}{\joint{HH}}{x}\) | tpxHHbar |
可以看到,一般化的数学公式输入较为简单,但利息理论和寿险精算部分的符号输入相对繁琐。为简化输入,Jackie 和 Keke 合作完成了一个符号自动化输入工具,欲知后事如何,且听下篇推文分解~