根据赫瑞瓦特的 CT2 公司金融与财务报表课程对全书的知识点做的梳理。
1 Introduction
accounting:主要考虑collecting, recording, analysing and communicating financial information。
finance:关注如何raise and invest funds of a business。但他们都对公司决策起着重大的作用。
1) Users of financial information
有很多,owners, customers, competitors, manager, lender......不一一列举了。
2)Rules and regulations
有很多,比如Companies act和Accounting standards......来源于international accounting standards boards, company law和financial conduct authority。关键:这些regulations的目的都想保证financial reports give a true and fair view。
3)Accounting conventions 会计惯例
Business (company) entity 商业实体: 超脱于所有者之外,一个单独的公司银行账户
Historic cost 历史成本:被计作成本的资产和负债,对于非流动资产有时也会重新评估
Prudence 审慎:账户需要谨慎估值
Going concern 持续经营:假设公司能够在可见的未来经营(通常为12个月),对于账户的影响
Dual aspect 双面性 : 每一个交易都会影响两个账户
(asset, equity or liabilities)
Money measurement
Consistency 一致性:数据在各年都可以相互比较,也就是说会计policies不会发生较大的改变
Accruals 权责发生制:开销一旦发生,都要记录,不管是否给钱
Realisation 实现:收入在发生的时候记录,不管当时是否给钱
2 The main financial statements
1)Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
Assets =Liabilities + Equity
Typical business assets: property; plant and equipment; fixtures and fittings; patents and trademarks; inventory; trade receivables
Non-current (fixed) assets and current assets: 固定资产一般指持有超过1年的可以是有形无形或者投资的资产,而流动资产则是指小于1年的用于商业循环的资产。固定资产的话需要depreciate和可以被revalue。
Current assets 中Inventories (stock), Cash, trade receivables是一个循环的状态。
Typical liabilities: loans; trade payables; tax due
Classification: current liabilities (<1年);non-current liabilities(>1年)
2) Income Statement
1-Cost of Sales
-Retail: =Opening inventories+Purchases-Closing inventories-Manufacturing: =Opening inventories+Raw materials+manufacturing expenses-closing inventories
2-Groping types of expenses
包含Cost of Sales, Selling and distribution costs and Administrative expenses。
对于Selling and distribution costs,只包括advertising, selling costs and delivery costs。Administrative expenses则是除了selling and distribution costs外的所有。
3-Recognising expenses
注意一下accruals and prepayment。accrued expenses是记在expenses里面,而prepaid expenses则是资产。
3 Accounting for limited companies
1)Business ownership
注意他的legal entity的关系
Sole trader: unlimited liabilities for debtPartnerships: jointly and severally liable for debtsLimited companies: separate legal identity, limited liability
对于incorporation,既有好处也有坏处。好处就是limited liabilities和比较轻松地raise money,还有就是ownership的变动不会影响该公司生产活动。其坏处就是比其他两种更贵,受法律约束更多还有就是经理人和企业所有者的利益冲突问题。
2)Private and public companies
对于limited companies,又分成private和public两种。对于private limited companies(ltd),不允许其对公众发售股票,可以只有一个董事和一个监事,不需要annual general meetings。对于public limited companies(plc),允许对公众发售股票,必须有两个以上的董事和监事。
4 Cash Flow Statements
cash flow statements对现金流动提供额外信息。Income statement中depreciation和accruals and prepayment不影响现金流动。Cash transactions例如share issues和purchase of fixed assets不影响profit。
cash flow分为三种:cash flow from operating activities: normal day-to-day trading activitiescash flow from investing activities: acquire and dispose non-current assetscash flow from financing activities: issue and repay shares and long-term loan
predict future cash flowsplan ahead when business will require a bank loanforecast anticipated inflows and outflows
5 Consolidated Accounts
consolidated accounts combined results of relevant groups of medium and large companies.
relevant companies指的是parent/ holding company和他的subsidiaries.
小型公司不需要给出consolidated accounts.
如果一个公司有另一个公司超过50%的voting rights,就代表他是holding company而另外一个公司是subsidiaries.当我们consolidate时,我们需要cancel: investment in subsidiaries; loans to/ from companies; inter-company trading; dividends paid to/ from companies.跟associates和joint venture区分,associates是20%到50% voting rights,他们都不需要consolidates in group accounts.
central holding company: economically only 1 real business entity;必须看总的assets和liabilities under unified control;只看holding company的话会低估这个集团的实力。
重点注意一下这个,value placed on a company (price paid) - fair value (assets-liabilities),记住是fair value噢。
6 Taxation
四种:income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax, other taxes.因为我们不考这个(老师生病然后那周的taxation5分钟拖完,其实就是一堆概念,看看记住就好),就不写啦哈哈。唯一需要注意的就是taxation在balance sheet里属于current liability.
7 Financing Limited Companies
source of finance:
1)internal source of finance
long-term (retained profits);short term (delay payments to suppliers; reduce inventories; tight credit control of receivables)
2)external source of finance
(1) long-term: capital
share capital: fund raised by selling the shares in the company其中注意区分ordinary share和preference shares。
loan capital: fund raided by obtaining a loan其中包括debentures(公司债券),unsecured loan stocks,eurobond loan capital。
(2) mid-term
hire purchase(租购):其实有点相当于credit purchase,但所有权在分期付款完成后移交。leasing: 其中finance leases(融资租赁)是leassee承担风险,而operating leases(经营(传统)租赁)是owner承担风险credit purchase:所有权马上移交。bank loans
(3) short-term
bank overdrafts trade credit factoring:分为non-resource factoring和resource factoring,也就是factor没有和有追偿权的区别。 commercial paper Bills of exchange
3)Routes to listing
offer for sale at a fixed price:最常见的方法offer for sale by tender:要约收购Other methods: offer for subscription; placing/ selective marketing; introducting
underwritingRights issuesScript (bonus) issuesAlternative investment market
8 Financial Statement Analysing (Ratio Analysis)
有5种类型:profitability, efficiency, liquidity, financial gearing, investment。Ratio可以通过和past period, similar businesses during the same period还有planned performance比较。
从这些分析中可以提供公司给owner带来wealth, 收益与公司大小相比较,how much capital invested in。
Return on ordinary shareholders' funds (ROSF):
(Net profit – any preference dividends)/ (Ordinary share capital + reserves)
Return on capital employed (ROCE): profitability中最重要
Operating profit / (share capital + reserves + non-current liabilities)
Operating profit margin
Operating profit / Sales revenues
Gross profit margin
Gross profit / Sales revenue
2)Efficiency ratios
Inventories turnover period
(Inventories/ Cost of sales) x 365: the number of days inventory is held
Trade receivable settlement period
(Trade receivables/ Credit sales revenue) x 365
Trade payable settlement period
(Trade payables/ Credit purchases) x 365
Current ratio
Current assets / Current liabilities
Acid test ratio (quick ratio)
(Current assets – inventories)/ Current liabilities
4)Financial gearing ratios
Gearing ratio
Long-term liabilities/ (Shareholders funds + long-term liabilities)
Interest cover
operating profit/ interest payable
Asset cover
(Total assets–intangible assets–current liabilities)/ loan capital
5)Investment ratios
Dividend cover
Profit for the year/ Dividend for the year
Dividend Yield
Dividends per share/ Market price of share
Earnings per share
Profit for the year/ Number of issued ordinary shares
Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio
Market value of a share/ earnings per share
8.5 Derivatives
就是之前有在discrete time finance里讲的各种东西,future, option, swap......杂糅。
9 corporate finance
1)agency theory
directors相当于shareholders的agents,而shareholders则是principals。shareholders指定directors,但是他们的利益可能会冲突。解决办法是给股权,按照表现给奖励和惩罚。directors需要根据一些特定的因素来最大化收益给shareholders,其中包括owners能承受的风险程度,是要immediate profit还是future high growth等。
2) 资本结构
大部分公司都是混合债务和权益,根据公司类型的不同资产结构也不同,比如银行就会有大量债务,而软件开发公司tangible asset会比较少。下面介绍五种不同的公司类型对应的capital structure:
(1) 中型,发展中,高杠杆
Market value of shares可能会较低,因为shareholders想让其加入更多的资产。
(2) cyclical industry
(3) “people” business
员工和管理技巧是关键,可以用share或者相似的手段奖励员工,但过度使用会对share valuation产生反作用。
(4) 高速增长,高风险产业(例如生物技术)
借贷资本不存在,可能会有deferred shares给sharehplders。
(5) an industry facing decline
3) taxation and capital structure
tax incentive: 因为利息是tax deductible,dividends不是,所以公司在需要更多fund时就会选择借贷,但是高杠杆的风险可能会超出tax incentives。
4) dividend policy
是否发股息会考虑以下因素,股民厌恶股息停发,loyalty,limit cash pile,高风险行业可能会给少量股息以为未来发展考虑等等。但还可用script issue或者share repurchase来代替。现在的market value相当于future dividends。
5) social responsibility
公司面对道德困境,一个是需要最大化shareholders收益,一个是避免导致环境污染和破坏。Milton Friedman曾指出公司唯一的社会责任就是赚钱而不是做公益,并从economic,ethical和philosophical三方面解释了原因,但也有很多人反对这个观点。
10 Capital Investment Decisions
对于investment,我们想要利润,不想要风险,还会涉及到time value的问题。我们用一下简单的四种方法来评估每个可能的projects:总结起来就是time value of money, inflation, cash flow和investment size总是不能兼顾的。
1)Accounting rate of return
公式:Average profit of the year/ Average investment to earn the profit必须超过设定的最小值,然后越大越好。
优势:好计算好理解考虑overall profit跟之前的Return on capital employed类似,只是一个考虑未来,一个考虑过去。劣势:
没有考虑investment size没有考虑time value of money没有考虑过程中cash flow的情况
2)Payback period
劣势:同样没有考虑investment size没有考虑time value of money忽略超过payback period后的现金流仅仅考虑时间的长短,没有考虑利润的高低
3)3 Net present value